How much Montgomery County Pond Maintenance does your pond actually need? While our ponds are low natural ecosystems and easy to handle, we want to make something very clear.  There is no such thing as “maintenance free”, everything requires some maintenance, including a koi pond or other water feature. Our ecosystem ponds  are not maintenance free– they are low maintenance. And the maintenance that we recommend is actually quite simple when compared to a pool or concrete bottom pond.

Ecosystem Elements

Make sure Montgomery County Pond has all the elements of an ecosystem pond first; skimmer, biological filter, aquatic plants, rocks & gravel, and fish. These elements work in harmony together, creating the low-maintenance koi pond.

Montgomery County Pond Maintenance: Spring Pond Cleaning

We highly recommend getting a spring pond cleaning, this gets out any debris that collected at the bottom of the pond over fall and winter, and washes all the gunk off the rocks.

Montgomery County Pond Maintenance:  Fall Pond Cleaning & Winterization

We also highly recommend a fall pond cleaning or winterization of your koi pond or other water feature. This will help prevent problems that could happen if your ran your waterfall over winter. And no, you don’t need to move your koi indoors during winter.

We also recommend as part of your Montgomery County Pond Maintenance program, you get an Ionizer.  These are great for string algae, helping string algae from ever starting.  If the algae is already there, you will need to work to remove it before the IonGen can take over.  You will need an algaecide, but don’t ever put in more than the recommended dosage—it could really hurt your fish.  You can also remove the algae by hand, or contact us to help you out.

Whatever your Montgomery County Pond Maintenance  needs are, AquaReale is sure to be able to take care of your pond. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.