Pond Contractor Services in Wayne, PA
Set in Wayne, PA a husband and wife were looking for a pond contractor who could help them with their problem.
Simone and Michael reached out to us after seeing our name while doing a Google search.
Pond Contractor to the rescue!
Michael had been building a pond for quite a few years, but he never got around to finishing it. It was a large pond– about 10 x 25. There was a non working waterfall as part of the design. Simone and Michael have a great view of the waterfall from their house and they were tired of looking at a nonworking water feature.
The first step during this project was to establish the size and depth of pond. Michael wanted the pond dug from 24 inches to 35 inches, to accommodate some larger fish.
Michael had been using cinder block to retain the soil, which was quite a project to work around! We did though, and instead of using cinder blocks, we used dry laid boulders, covering up all the cinder blocks along the way.
Pond Renovation: Step 2
After that, the AquaReale team laid underlayment. doubling up in some spots due to the cinder blocks. The team did 3/4 of the pond first and then the waterfall.
The biofalls box is located about 9 feet up in the waterfall. This is the main filter box. Then above that is another 20 feet of stream and a second waterfall. This waterfall spillway is at the top of this side, about 17 feet up. There are two pumps: one for the waterfall spillway and one for the biofalls. Michael can change the flow of the pond, and can also turn off higher waterfall when they leave town for a longer period of time. This saves energy and water evaporation.
According to Matt Reale, the most challenging part of the job was the tight space between the house and the pond. Also, our machine only has limited reach, so we had to bring the rocks up by hand. Going 17 vertical feet above the patio with rocks makes it quite a challenge to get up and down the hill without slipping or dropping rocks.
In addition to two stunning waterfalls, there is an extremely large viewing stone in the pond, making for a great fish cave (a place for the fish to hide from sun and predators.)
Reach out to see what AquaReale can do for you!