A South Jersey Pond Renovation
How did we get involved in a pond makeover in South Jersey (Cherry Hill, NJ)? It started with our business being featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer Small Business section last year.
A common bond…
A woman named Sheryl saw the article and it resonated with her. Her husband had suffered from Alzheimer’s disease, like Laura’s mother and had died a few years back. The pond had been his baby. It stopped working a few years ago and Sherry didn’t know what to do. She tried a few times to find a company that could handle a South Jersey pond renovation, but it still leaked in the same spots. She was tired of looking at it, as it was located right on her front lawn. Then she read the article and thought, this might be a good fit!
A South Jersey Pond Renovation
When AquaReale co-owner Matt Reale went to look a the pond he knew right away that he needed to help make this a happy memory again for Sheryl. Based on a number of factors, Matt and Sheryl decided to basically do a complete pond renovation, instead of trying to fix old, outdated equipment that was not working well.
Matt and his team took out all the mismatched pieces and replaced them with a brand new Aquascape system, including a new liner, skimmer, Biofalls, pump, fieldstone boulders and pipe.
A South Jersey Pond Renovation Results
“The best part of the whole job for me was seeing how happy Sheryl was to see her pond up and functioning once again. We used a PA fieldstone boulder with moss on it for the stream and that was one of her favorite parts of the whole pond, ” said Matt .
The pond is now a beautiful 11 x 16 pond with a stream that is the centerpiece of Sheryl’s’ front lawn, a view that now fills her with happiness and memories on a daily basis.
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